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Zeus Notebook

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Browser-based Python notebook with an AI code assistant named Zeus.

AI Categories: code assistant

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Updated 02/24/2024

Zeus Notebook is a powerful browser-based Python notebook that provides users with an AI code assistant named Zeus. With Zeus Notebook, individuals can run Python notebooks directly on their browsers and benefit from the assistance of Zeus in their coding tasks.

Key Features:

  • Browser-based Python notebook: Run Python notebooks directly on your browser.
  • AI code assistant - Zeus: Interact with Zeus to receive suggestions and guidance for your coding tasks.
  • Chat functionality: Enable chat functionality by inputting your OpenAI API key, allowing for interactive conversations with Zeus.

Use Cases:

• Coding assistance: Benefit from Zeus' AI-powered suggestions and guidance to improve coding skills.

• Python programming: Run and execute Python code conveniently within the browser.

Experience the power of Zeus Notebook, the browser-based Python notebook with an AI code assistant. Enhance your coding abilities, receive helpful suggestions, and enjoy interactive conversations with Zeus.

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