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Instant apps, from a single prompt

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Updated 02/24/2024

Shuttle is an AI-powered platform that simplifies the process of building and deploying cloud-based applications by automating code generation, infrastructure provisioning, and deployment.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Driven Code Generation: Generates code based on natural language prompts, simplifying the development process.
  2. Infrastructure Provisioning: Automates the provisioning of the necessary infrastructure for cloud-based applications.
  3. Deployment Automation: Streamlines the deployment process, ensuring applications are deployed efficiently.
  4. Support for Rust: Supports the Rust programming language, known for its speed and reliability.
  5. Resource Library: Offers starters, documentation, and guides to assist developers in building complex cloud-based applications.

Use Cases:

  • Developers looking to build and deploy cloud-based applications quickly and efficiently.
  • Teams working on projects that require infrastructure provisioning and deployment automation.
  • Individuals interested in leveraging AI-powered code generation for cloud-based application development.

Shuttle is a powerful AI-powered platform that simplifies the development and deployment of cloud-based applications.

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