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Uncover AI-written text with precision and ease.

AI Categories: education, AI detection

Pricing Model:
Paid, $15/mo
Updated 11/27/2024

What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is a cutting-edge AI detection tool designed to identify whether content has been generated by AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and others. It's a robust solution aimed at preserving the authenticity of human-generated content across various fields such as education, recruitment, and cybersecurity. By analyzing text through advanced algorithms, GPTZero offers users a way to discern and validate the origin of digital content, ensuring its genuineness and integrity.

Key Features:

  • Advanced AI Detection: Capable of detecting content generated by a wide range of AI models, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, LLaMa, and more.
  • Deep Scan Technology: Provides a detailed analysis with color-coded highlights, distinguishing between AI-generated and human-written sections.
  • Integration Options: Seamlessly integrates with platforms like Google Docs, Canvas, and Microsoft Word through add-ons and extensions.
  • Educational Tools: Offers specific features for educators to verify the authenticity of student submissions and enhance academic integrity.


  • High Accuracy and Reliability: Independently benchmarked for accuracy, ensuring reliable detection of AI-generated content.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate dashboard and intuitive interaction points make it accessible for all user levels.

  • Versatile Application: Useful for educators, writers, recruiters, and cybersecurity experts.

  • Support for Multiple Languages: Capable of analyzing content in multiple languages, enhancing its usability globally.


  • Limited Free Version: The free version has restrictions on usage limits, which might require an upgrade for extensive use.

  • Complexity in Results Interpretation: New users might require some time to fully understand how to interpret the detailed analysis provided.

  • Focus Primarily on English Text: While it supports multiple languages, the primary focus and highest accuracy still lie with English text.

Who is Using GPTZero?

  • Educational Institutions: Teachers use it to ensure students submit original work.
  • Recruitment Agencies: Verify the authenticity of materials submitted by job applicants.
  • Writers and Journalists: Check the originality of their texts to maintain credibility.
  • Cybersecurity Firms: Employ it as a tool to detect AI-generated phishing attempts.
  • Uncommon Use Cases: Used by legal professionals to verify the authenticity of submitted documents; utilized by researchers to distinguish between human and AI-generated scientific papers.


  • Basic Tier: Free, includes up to 10,000 words per month.
  • Essential Tier: $10 per month, includes up to 150,000 words and advanced grammar feedback.
  • Premium Tier: $16 per month, offers up to 300,000 words, multilingual detection, and deep scan capabilities.

Disclaimer: Pricing details are subject to change. For the most accurate and current pricing, please visit the GPTZero website.

What Makes GPTZero Unique?

GPTZero stands out with its Deep Scan technology, a revolutionary feature in the realm of AI detection, providing an unprecedented granular view and understanding of text analysis. Its commitment to maintaining high data security standards and its role as a pioneer in AI detection technology also set it apart in the industry.

Compatibilities and Integrations:

  • Google Docs: Offers a specialized add-on for analyzing documents.
  • Microsoft Word: Integrates directly to provide seamless functionality.
  • Educational Platforms: Compatible with Canvas for educational use.
  • API Access: Allows businesses to integrate GPTZero's capabilities into their own systems.

GPTZero Tutorials:

Explore detailed tutorials on the official website and YouTube, covering everything from basic setup to advanced features.

How We Rated It:

  • Accuracy and Reliability: 4.9/5
  • Ease of Use: 4.7/5
  • Functionality and Features: 4.8/5
  • Performance and Speed: 4.6/5
  • Customization and Flexibility: 4.5/5
  • Data Privacy and Security: 4.9/5
  • Support and Resources: 4.7/5
  • Cost-Efficiency: 4.4/5
  • Integration Capabilities: 4.5/5
  • Overall Score: 4.7/5


GPTZero excels in providing reliable and accurate AI detection, making it an indispensable tool for users across various sectors. Its unique Deep Scan technology offers an unmatched level of detail in text analysis, ensuring users can trust the authenticity of the content they evaluate. Whether you're an educator, writer, or cybersecurity expert, GPTZero offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges posed by AI-generated content.

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