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SolidlyAI is an AI-powered assistant that optimizes project management on Slack.

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Pricing Model:
Freemium, $19.99/mo
Updated 02/28/2024

SolidlyAI is an AI-powered project management assistant designed to streamline your work process by summarizing and tracking your Slack messages. By providing critical context when needed, SolidlyAI reduces meeting times and bolsters productivity. This smart tool prompts team updates, sends custom briefs, summarizes messages, and listens to communications, enabling you to mute notifications and minimize distractions.

Key Features:

  1. Slack Message Tracking: Summarizes and keeps track of your Slack messages, ensuring that you never miss an important update.
  2. Prompts & Briefs: Sends out prompts for team updates and dispatches custom briefs to partner teams.
  3. Distraction Reduction: Listens to messages, offering the option to mute notifications and focus on essential tasks.
  4. Enhanced Productivity: Uses AI to track critical information, reducing the time spent on catching up and boosting productivity.

Use Cases:

  • Stay updated on essential messages and information without being overwhelmed by the flood of communications.
  • Leverage the tool's ability to send out team prompts and partner briefs, keeping everyone in the loop.
  • Improve focus on crucial tasks by minimizing distractions from non-stop pings and notifications.
  • Increase overall productivity by avoiding redundant tasks and focusing on what matters.

With SolidlyAI, you can save time and effort, focusing on critical tasks while being assured that you're not missing out on important communications.

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