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Updated 03/26/2024

Product Name: Prompt Engineering Tool

The Prompt Engineering Tool is a premium tool that handles boring and cognitively demanding prompt engineering. With just a single cost of OpenAI or any other, you can access premium tools functionalities. The tool is open-source and privacy-friendly, with no user data stored.

Key Features:

  • Open-source and free
  • Privacy-friendly (direct browser call to AI, no user data stored)
  • Crowdsource prompts
  • No login required
  • Single interface for all generative AIs
  • Use an optimized prompt beneath the UI
  • Create, share, and remix prompts
  • Remove the language barrier

Use Cases:

  • Mitigate writer's block
  • Save money on multiple premium services
  • Use and test different models (OpenAI, Gemini, Mozilla, etc.)
  • Form-based UIs are more user-friendly and intuitive, reducing cognitive load and making it easier for users to complete tasks.
  • Combine multiple projects under a single platform like coverlettergpt, email-generator AI, socialpostgpt, etc.

The Prompt Engineering Tool is an excellent solution for individuals who want to handle prompt engineering without being a prompt whiz. It is a user-friendly and intuitive tool that helps users complete tasks quickly and efficiently.

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