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Automated scheduling of meetings and calls for users.

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Updated 03/21/2024

Katch is an AI-powered scheduling tool that helps busy individuals find the perfect time to connect with others without the hassle of scheduling. With Smart Suggestions and adaptive availability, Katch simplifies the process of setting up important conversations.

Key Features:

  1. Smart Suggestions with Adaptive Availability: AI-powered suggestions for optimal meeting times based on user availability and the availability of others.
  2. Manual Control: Users have the flexibility to adjust and customize suggested meeting times.
  3. Calendar Integration: Seamless integration with Google Calendar, with future plans for additional calendar integrations.
  4. Availability Hours: Set and manage personal availability hours within the app.
  5. App Store and Google Play: Available for download on both iOS and Android devices.

Use Cases:

  • Streamline scheduling processes for busy individuals.
  • Find the optimal time to connect with important contacts.
  • Eliminate back-and-forth scheduling and save time.
  • Sync scheduled meetings with Google Calendar and other calendar systems.
  • Maintain effective communication and prioritize important conversations.

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