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Ask a question to a big thinker, artist, or scientist.

AI Categories: fun tools

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Updated 02/24/2024

AskThee is an AI-powered platform that connects users with the wisdom of renowned thinkers and scientists. Key features and advantages include:

  • Diverse selection: Features figures such as Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Frida Kahlo, Steve Jobs, and more
  • Multilingual support: Allows users to ask questions in any language
  • Daily questions: Offers three questions a day for users to choose from

Use cases for AskThee cater to various curious minds:

  • Lifelong learners seeking insights from the world's greatest minds
  • Educators and students looking for unique perspectives on various topics
  • Creative thinkers aiming to fuel their curiosity and spark inspiration

Overall, AskThee provides a convenient and engaging way to access the knowledge of history's most influential figures.

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